Urgent Need for Red Kettle Bell Ringers
We’re less than two weeks away from Christmas and the Salvation Army of Augusta is asking for volunteers to help them reach their annual fundraising goal.
The organization’s annual Red Kettle Campaign is its largest fundraiser to help meet the increasing needs of those experiencing homelessness and those at-risk of homelessness.
“We are in desperate need of volunteers to help us finish our Red Kettle Campaign strong,” said Captain Jonathan Raymer, the Augusta Area Commander. “Every volunteer ringing the bell is making a tremendous impact on countless lives. Ringing the bell for four hours provides enough funding to shelter a person for over two weeks.”
Without enough bell ringers, Raymer said they have to cancel Red Kettle locations. That means services, which are needed now more than ever, will receive less funding next year.
There are over 30 locations with shifts of two or more per day. Volunteers are needed immediately to help fill the empty slots.
For more information about volunteering for the Red Kettle campaign, contact Nanette Hayes at 706-434-3185 or email at [email protected]