The Dramadome Download

01:28:47 Download March 11th, 2021

(0:00) Is Drama Good For Esports?

Sports are at the heart the drama of competition. So is drama good for esports? Or does it just make us look childish?
(12:00) Drama Dome + Halo is Garbage
We enter back into the DRAMA DOME. Plus, Robbie has some thoughts about the Halo franchise.
(24:30) Outlaws Most Wanted Creator Contest
The Houston Outlaws recently held a contest that was American Idol meets esports. 
(34:30) GTA Star Quits His Job
Sodapoppin is best known as a Twitch streamer who roleplays in Grand Theft Auto V. Now, he’s giving it up because it feels too much like a job.
(44:19) Chubby Bunny is Back…why?

Producer Chadd joins us to play some Chubby Bunny, except Robbie who claims to be allergic to peeps.
(57:04) Gaming and Esports News – 

Pokemon GO Event holds special event to make up for letting people in free…then lets more people in for free.
Diablo 2 Remaster will work with your old saves
Hogwarts Legacy Dev Quits over backlash
Valve’s Card Game Artifact is Dead
Florida Super Nintendo World Delayed til 2025
Sakurai’s Desk Drawer holds the secret to the future of Super Smash Brothers
(1:09:19) Epic Games Buys Fall Guys Studio
Epic Games is flexing their financial muscle again as they buy the makers of last year’s smash success Fall Guys.
(1:19:19) Social Media Check-in
We check in with our social media followers to see what mini-game they were into.

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