Lost and Found: The ‘Weirdest’ Stuff Guests Forget In Hotels
Sometimes, when you’re caught in the moment of vacation or traveling, it can be easy to leave something behind. Even if it’s something as unusual as your dentures or glass…

Sometimes, when you’re caught in the moment of vacation or traveling, it can be easy to leave something behind. Even if it’s something as unusual as your dentures or glass eye. A recent survey from EasyJet, an international budget-friendly airline, revealed some of the weirdest and wackiest items left in hotel rooms.
They surveyed 100 hotels within their portfolio and looked into the items that have been lost or abandoned in the last 12 months. According to the survey results, dentures are one of the "most eccentric" items commonly left behind. Interestingly, hotels admitted to storing false teeth in lost property. You never know, someone may actually go looking for their dentures.
It gets even weirder with left-behind items.
Also revealed in the survey are many reports of "outlandish costumes." One hotel found a full clown costume, including shoes, a wig, and a red nose. Meanwhile, another hotel found an array of witchcraft paraphernalia in one of their rooms. What’s considered witchcraft paraphernalia? Well, according to Cornell Law, such items include charms, herbs, and objects such as human bones and nightguns, like Kalilozes.
Some hotels reported artificial limbs being left behind. Some people accidentally leave more sentimental items behind at hotels. For one resort included in the survey, a lucky teacup belonging to a grandmother which she was using throughout her trip was left behind. And before you ask, wedding rings and personal photographs are regularly left behind, too, according to the survey results.
While wallets and cash are often forgotten, a hotel found thousands of old German Mark coins tucked away behind a toilet water tank.
If you’re wondering about the more common items left behind those include clothing and keys. Take a look at the complete study and find out more about the weirdest things left behind in hotels here.
Here Are The Weirdest Things People Leave Behind In An Uber
Occasionally, we may forget something in the house, at an establishment, or maybe in your ride share. Uber released their seventh annual Uber Lost & Found Index. It shows which items riders leave behind the most often.
"As we head into another busy summer of travel, and hang on tight while Mercury makes its way back into Retrograde (which astrologists say influences forgetfulness), we're back with the seventh annual Uber Lost & Found Index," stated in a new release.
If you're the type to lose stuff, you might want to be extra careful on weekends. In the U.S., some of the most forgetful days of the week are Saturday and Sunday. Keep your guard up in April: April 5 and April 9 are the most forgetful days of the year. Coming in at third is New Year's Day. And the most common time of the day to report lost items is 11:00 p.m.
Certain lost items that peak on certain days. People are more likely to forget chargers on Mondays, passports on Saturdays, or groceries on Sundays.
Uber highlighted the most forgotten items, the most unique lost items, and the most forgetful cities. Their data also provides a snapshot of which times of day and days of the week riders forgot items the most.
Most forgotten items
They explained that the most forgotten items include clothing, phones, backpacks, wallets, headphones, jewelry, keys, books, laptops, and watches.
When it comes to their most forgetful cities, Jacksonville, Florida is at the top of the list. Followed by San Antonio, Texas, and Palm Springs, California. Out of their top ten most forgetful cities, Florida is the only state with two cities listed which include Jacksonville (#1) and Miami (#6).
Most unique items left behind
Those featured among the most unique things left in Ubers include a Danny DeVito Christmas ornament, a fog machine, an ankle monitor, small stone-carved whales, Britney Spears fantasy perfume, two fingernails, two pet turtles, a bidet, and others.
Take a look at the full 2023 Uber Lost & Found Index here.
Here are the top oddest things people leave behind in an Uber.

This past year, Uber saw an uptick in reports from riders who left behind their eggs. These days, it's more expensive than ever to forget eggs!

Some passengers accidentally forgot their pet companions in their Uber, including dogs, turtles, hamsters, and even a rat said the ride-share company.
X-rated items

Some Uber passengers left X-rated items behind including an entire pack of underwear, condoms, and some sex toys.

Shawls have been one of their top clothing items left behind this year.
False Dentures And Teeth

They said false dentures and teeth continue to top lost items year-over-year. This year, more than 40 instances of misplaced teeth were reported, but they’ve seen a decline in diamond grills.
Nintendo Switch

The Nintendo Switch was the number one lost gaming device this year, with more than 70 Switch devices lost, according to Uber’s findings.
Cannabis Goodies

From bags of weed to pre-rolls and pens to medicinal and recreational cannabis. They saw a high increase in forgotten cannabis goodies.
Fandom Items

This year they saw a significant spike in lost Disney and Harry Potter items, specifically Minnie ears, lightsabers, Disney Magic Bands, and magic wands.