Scan Carefully: Walmart Issues Citations for Self-Checkout Mistakes

Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images
We are all human. And the reality is, humans make mistakes. It happens to all of us throughout life. But, at Walmart, failing to scan some of your items could lead to a citation. These citations for self-checkout mistakes can even lead to court!
Self-Checkout Shoplifting
Walmart is starting to carefully watch for self-checkout ‘shoplifting.’ Apparently it’s becoming a big enough issue, they are starting to issue citations to those who walk away without paying for all of their items. A recent report from KGUN 9 says Walmart shopper in Tucson, Arizona have been cited and sent to court over failure to scan all of their items.
Petty Theft Citations
One woman say two women jumped out at her, grabbing her cart, and ushering her across the store. They brought her to a small room she called an “interrogation room.” They told her she was being arrested for shoplifting.
The woman says she was in shock. She adds she had no knowledge or intention of not paying for items. For the honest mistake, she was given a petty theft citation. And she’s not the only one.
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The news station spoke with three other people who had similar stories. The Walmart on La Cholla in Tucson has given 62 cite and releases between January and April, according to Pima County Sheriff Deputies. A few other Arizona store have reported some citations as well.
Better Safe Than Sorry
While we haven’t heard of this happening in our area, as always, better safe than sorry. Next time you’re scanning, be careful and pay attention. It’s very easy to get distracted. Especially if you have your children with you. For future visits, make sure all items show up on the screen. If you have trouble, seek out an employee to get help.